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Xi Jinping stressed at the fifth collective study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

We will accelerate efforts to build China into an educational powerhouse

It will provide strong support for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

新华社北京5月29日电 中共中央政治局5月29日下午就建设教育强国进行第五次集体学习。Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, stressed when presiding over the study that a country prospers when education is strong, and a country is strong when education is strong。Building a strong education country is a strategic precursor to building a strong modern socialist country in all respects; it is an important support for achieving self-reliance in science and technology at a high level; it is an effective way to promote common prosperity for all people; and it is a basic project for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization。We must fully implement the Party's educational policy,We will continue to put people first in developing education,Take the initiative to advance the layout, effectively respond to changes, and strive to open up new situations,We will accelerate the modernization of education,Through the power of education, we will strengthen the foundation of people's happiness,Strengthen education to strengthen the foundation of national prosperity,This will provide strong support for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

Qiu Yong, secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, explained the problem and put forward work suggestions。Comrades of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee listened carefully to the explanation and held discussions。

Xi Jinping delivered an important speech after listening to explanations and discussions。He pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Party, the Party Central Committee has insisted on taking education as a major plan of the country and the Party, made a major decision to accelerate the modernization of education and build an educational power, and promoted the historic achievements and pattern changes of education in the new era。China has built the largest education system in the world, and the overall level of education modernization has entered the ranks of middle and upper countries in the world。According to estimates, China's current education power index ranks 23rd in the world, up 26 places from 2012, is the fastest improving country。This fully proves that the development path of socialist education with Chinese characteristics is completely correct。

Xi Jinping stressed,We want to build a strong education,It is a socialist educational power with Chinese characteristics,We must insist on the Party's overall leadership of the cause of education as the fundamental guarantee,It is the fundamental task to educate people,That the party education, education for the country as the fundamental goal,It is an important mission to serve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,It takes the modernization of educational ideas, systems, institutions, contents, methods and governance as the basic path,To support and lead the Chinese modernization as the core function,The ultimate goal is to deliver education to the satisfaction of the people。

习近平指出,培养什么人、怎样培养人、为谁培养人是教育的根本问题,也是建设教育强国的核心课题。The purpose of building a strong education country is to train generation after generation of socialist builders and successors who are fully developed in moral, intellectual, physical, American and labor, and to train generation after generation of people who can be of great use in the socialist modernization drive and can shoulder heavy responsibilities, so as to ensure that the Party's cause and the construction of a strong modern socialist country have successors。We must continue to educate people with the Thought on socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a new era, strengthen education in core socialist values, and guide students to establish firm ideals and convictions, always listen to and follow the Party, and dedicate themselves to the country and the people。We will persist in reform and innovation, promote the integration of ideological and political education in primary and secondary schools, and make ideological and political courses more relevant and attractive。Improve the ability of network education, solid school ideological and political work and ideological work in the Internet era。

Xi Jinping stressed,要坚持把高质量发展作为各级各类教育的生命线,加快建设高质量教育体系。Building an education powerhouse is based on basic education。The more solid the basic education, the more stable the pace of education power, the more momentum。We will promote the safe and high-quality development of preschool education for all, and promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education and the integration of urban and rural areas。Basic education should not only consolidate students' knowledge base, but also stimulate students' interest in advocating science and exploring the unknown, and cultivate their exploratory and innovative thinking quality。It is necessary to establish a scientific view of talent, talent and education in the whole society, accelerate the reversal of the utilitarian tendency of education, and form a healthy educational environment and ecology。To build a strong education country, the leading is higher education。We will give top priority to accelerating the development of world-class universities with Chinese characteristics and competitive disciplines, vigorously strengthen the development of basic disciplines, emerging disciplines, and interdisciplinary disciplines, promote scientific research and innovation in line with the world's scientific and technological frontiers and major national strategic needs, and constantly improve our capacity for original innovation and the quality of personnel training。We should build a learning-oriented society and a learning-oriented country in which all people learn throughout their lives. We should encourage everyone to learn, learn everywhere, and learn all the time. We should continue to raise the level of education of our people, raise the level of human resources development in an all-round way, and promote the all-round development of our people。

习近平指出,要把服务高质量发展作为建设教育强国的重要任务。Building a strong education country, a strong science and technology country, and a strong talent country has inherent consistency and mutual support, and we should organically combine the three and advance them as a whole to form a multiplier effect of promoting high-quality development。We will further strengthen science and engineering education, strengthen the independent training of top-notch innovative talents, and provide talent support for solving key core technology problems in our country。Systematically analyze the development trend and gap situation of talents in all aspects of China, focus on the major strategic needs of the country according to the development trend of science and technology, dynamically adjust and optimize the subject setting of higher education, train national strategic talents and talents urgently needed, and improve the support and contribution of education to high-quality development。We will coordinate vocational education, higher education, and continuing education, promote the integration of vocational education, production and education, and science and education, and constantly train high-quality technical and skilled personnel, artisans and skilled craftsmen in China。

Xi Jinping stressed,从教育大国到教育强国是一个系统性跃升和质变,必须以改革创新为动力。It is necessary to adhere to the systematic concept, coordinate the reform of the way of educating students, the mode of running schools, the management system, and the security mechanism, resolutely remove all ideological constraints and institutional drawbacks that restrict the high-quality development of education, and comprehensively improve the modernization of the education governance system and governance capacity。We will integrate the promotion of educational equity into all aspects and links of deepening the comprehensive reform in the field of education, narrow the gaps in education between urban and rural areas, regions, schools and groups, strive to ensure that every child can enjoy fair and quality education, and better meet the needs of the people for "good schooling"。We will deepen the reform of education evaluation in the new era, and build an education evaluation system with the participation of multiple subjects, which is in line with China's reality and has the world level。Strengthen the construction and management of teaching materials, firmly grasp the correct political direction and value orientation, and strive to create high-quality teaching materials that cast souls and enlightens wisdom。Digitization of education is an important breakthrough to open up a new circuit of education development and shape new advantages of education development in our country。We will further promote digital education to provide effective support for personalized learning, lifelong learning, expanding the coverage of quality education resources and modernizing education。

习近平指出,要完善教育对外开放战略策略,统筹做好“引进来”和“走出去”两篇大文章,有效利用世界一流教育资源和创新要素,使我国成为具有强大影响力的世界重要教育中心。We should actively participate in global education governance, vigorously promote the brand building of "Study in China", tell Chinese stories well, spread Chinese experience, voice China, and enhance the international influence and discourse power of our education。

Xi Jinping stressed,强教必先强师。It is necessary to strengthen the construction of teachers as the most important basic work to build a strong education country, improve the teacher education system with Chinese characteristics, and vigorously train a team of high-quality professional teachers with noble ethics, excellent professional skills, reasonable structure and vitality。We will promote the social trend of respecting teachers and attaching importance to teaching, improve the political, social and professional status of teachers, make teachers one of the most respected professions in society, and support and attract outstanding talents to teach enthusiastically, carefully, for a long time, and for life。Strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics and style, guide the majority of teachers to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, cultivate moral sentiments, cultivate solid knowledge, and practice benevolence, establish the ambition and ambition of "cultivating the teaching circle and strengthening the country", adhere to the three-foot platform, and devote themselves to teaching and educating people。

习近平最后强调,建设教育强国是全党全社会的共同任务。We must adhere to and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over education, and constantly improve the educational leadership system in which the Party Committee exercises unified leadership, the Party and the government work together, and departments assume their respective responsibilities。Party committees and governments at all levels should always give priority to education development and intensify efforts in organizational leadership, development planning, resource guarantee and funding investment。Schools, families and society should cooperate closely and work together to actively participate in the practice of strengthening education and jointly run the cause of strengthening education。The whole Party and the people of China should strengthen their confidence, make unremitting efforts, and work together for the early realization of the goal of strengthening education。

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