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Liaoning Light Industry Vocational College held a Party Committee (expanded) meeting and Party discipline learning and education summary meeting

On September 12, Liaoning Light Industry Vocational College held a Party Committee (expanded) meeting to summarize the work of Party discipline learning and education, and study and deploy the normalization and long-term work of Party discipline learning and education。Party Secretary Wang Canal presided over the meeting and delivered a speech, deputy Party secretary, president Duan Shubin attended the meeting。

The meeting held that,Since the start of Party discipline learning and education,The Party committee of the university resolutely shoulders the political responsibility,According to the arrangements of the Party Central Committee,Work requirements of Provincial Party Committee and Education Working Committee of Provincial Party Committee,Closely around the party discipline learning and education objectives,Resolutely carry out the study and education of Party discipline as a firm support for the "two establishment",Resolutely achieve the "two maintenance" political test,It is an important measure to strengthen the Party's discipline construction and promote the all-round development of strict Party governance。

The meeting pointed out that during the study and education of Party discipline, the grass-roots Party organizations and Party members and cadres conscientiously organized study around the "Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China", and effectively learned discipline, known discipline, Ming discipline, and discipline。全校上下以巩固学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育、扎实开展党纪学习教育为契机,Continuously improve the spirit of work and entrepreneurship,In-depth practice of high-quality party building leading high-quality development ideas,The construction of professional connotation has been continuously improved,Enrollment and employment continued to operate steadily,The third party evaluation results are improving year by year,Social influence and contribution have been significantly improved。

会议强调,全校上下要学深悟透习近平总书记关于党纪学习教育的重要指示精神,贯彻落实中央《欧洲杯投注网站推荐》,持续巩固深化党纪学习教育成果。We must always insist on taking discipline education as a compulsory course and taking it regularly,We must continue to consolidate our responsibility to govern the Party,Greater efforts will be made to encourage officials to take on solid responsibilities,Guide the whole school party members and cadres to gather their strength and take an active role,Make every effort to achieve this year's high-quality development goals,It lays a solid foundation for promoting the comprehensive improvement of various undertakings of the school。

Members of the school leadership team, the heads of relevant departments, and the secretary of the General Party Branch of the second level college attended the meeting。

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